Overcome Adversity

Published by sspt on


SIMON SAYS : the key to conquer the impossible is the battle to overcome adversity!

You’ve all read the quotes that everything seems impossible until you do it, but seriously, if you strive to simply try over and over, no matter how hard it seems, you will sooner or later conquer it.

We all face challenges.
Whether it’s fitness, weight loss, eating healthy, career, relationships etc.
We also are faced with the ‘fear of failure’ which for some the thought process is, that it’s better not to try, than to fail.

What we must understand though, is you’ve already failed if you do not try, but if you persist and keep at it and remind yourself you can achieve anything, that positive mindset to overcome adversity will see you through to succeeding.
You find new ways, new methods.
You learn from every attempt, what works and what doesn’t.

You MUST battle to overcome adversity!
That reward, that feeling of conquering what seemed impossible, is beyond anything, compared to simply being handed what you want.
If you haven’t experienced it yet, that isn’t a reason to not seek it, but more of one.
Once you do, it lasts forever.
You own it.
You earned it.
It empowers you, gives you belief, gives you confidence and strips you of that fear of failure.

You CANNOT be awesome at something the first time you try. If somehow you do, then you must be gifted, but all of those who have become legends in sport, business or leadership have simply tried, failed, learnt, grown and adapted until they turned their mistakes and weaknesses into their strengths.

One of the best Michael Jordan quotes is :


The issue these days is we simply give up in a second if we either, don’t succeed first go, if it’s going to take hard work, if it’s going to take a long time, if we get emotional about it or if we just can’t understand how we could see ourselves succeeding.

We’ve become a generation of brats, wusses, prima donnas, sooks, whatever you want to call it.
But we can’t take the easy way out!
We can’t be ‘giverupperers’

Adversity though can be a power that we can use. That notion we can’t, or won’t be good at something is what we need to use to fight those battles with purpose, desire and determination to say “F… it! Just watch me! I can do this”

Turn I can’t into I CAN’T-RY.
I’m going to start the hashtag #ICANTRY and every time you feel like posting about yourself, make it about an impossible feat you’re giving a go!

You can overcome adversity!


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