SIMON SAYS : IT NEVER STOPS Fitness is a FOREVER thing to continually BUILD and/or MAINTAIN STRENGTH to do what we want, for as long as we want. There.. is.. no..“Oh I’m fit now”“Oh I’m slim now” DIETS.. need to DIE as well. Anything you do for a short time, Read more…

A Different View

SIMON SAYS : what if you look at things from A DIFFERENT VIEW?You may just get a different perspective.. 🤔WHY is it a lot of people only train & eat when it’s necessary to define their life by improving their looks?🤷‍♀️Why not, THE WAY you train and eat will inevitably Read more…


CONNECTED ? Why the sand under our feet & the water splashing against us MATTERS. I post this typical looking insta photo, because it’s seemingly what’s required these days to GRAB attention.. ? BUT, every Saturday morning I go filming, either with my drone and/or cameras for my other biz Read more…