WANT Change

What you do everyday is what you are. You must want to live healthy to be healthy. You must want to exercise everyday to be fit. As an example, we know, and got to know, our smart phones from using them everyday. We made them a necessity. We force them Read more…

Per-Fect Your Push Ups

THE BEST exercise you could possibly make part of your regular exercise routine is without doubt, the body weight exercise, the Push Up. It is NOT just an upper body or arm workout, it’s actually a very good core exercise. They also work shoulders, balance and stability and can also boost Read more…

YOU are the answer to all

YOU are the ANSWER too ALL you CREATE! There are many, including, more than likely YOU, who are always searching for THE SECRET! The secret to Health & Fitness. The secret to Success, Wealth & Happiness. Usually though, it’s The Quick Fix. THE PROBLEM : We are constantly searching in the wrong places. Looking to Read more…