Simon’s #1 Challenge

Published by sspt on

SIMON SAYS : my #1 Challenge for YOU is a Mental one!simon says fitness challenge
A) Admit, Acknowledge & Accept – what’s holding you back, your downfalls & what things need to change..
Alcohol, bad food, no exercise, priorities.

B) Believe, Build & Become – the Sacrifices & Habits you CAN put into practice that are about Positive Change.
Stop doing or spending money, on the things that get you nowhere & start creating Daily, Weekly & Monthly HABITS you can make ‘the rest of your life’ things.

C) Choose, Change & Commit – to the new ways, the new habits, the right choices to becoming the BETTER version of you!
OUT with the OLD WAYS that held you back, IN with the new ways, that will make you UNSTOPPABLE!
Are you GAME to take the CHALLENGE??

IF SO, Write on a big piece of paper the A, B, C from the image, and the 3 words next to each..
And write down all the Choices, Changes and Commitments (good, bad & the ugly) next to each that you HAVE been doing, WILL start doing & COMMIT to, for your future.

I said PAPER! and not POST ONLINE, as this is for you, about you, not for anyone else’s concerns.
We’re too busy selling a version of ourselves online, for others approval, comment, or feedback, that we’ve stopped actually caring about what matters.. just YOU and how & what you THINK & FEEL about yourself.

SO, Today, Right NOW SIMON SAYS : attend to you.
SET your ‘GOODS’

F..k opinions


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